Post-surgery Nutrition | Surgical Associates of Cleveland

Did you know that March Is National Nutrition Month? What a great time to talk about post-surgery nutrition. Surgical Associates of Cleveland are committed to giving you your best possible surgical experience from diagnosis and patient education through surgery and aftercare. In the spirit of Nutrition Month, we have compiled some sensible eating tips to help you heal after your surgery.

First things first.
Listen to your doctor! Depending upon your surgical procedure, you might be advised to take on a specific diet for a day or two, like a clear liquid diet or bland diet. Follow your aftercare instructions, and then keep the following tips in mind.

After surgery, you want to maximize healing and minimize complications. Eating the right types of foods can help minimize post-surgery inflammation.

Related: What is an anti-inflammatory diet?

Avoid constipation. Processed foods, sweet foods, cheese and red meat are all known to cause constipation. Many patients forget that surgery can cause constipation due to the use of pain relievers, anesthesia, and the interruption to your regular routine. To minimize your risk of constipation, avoid the aforementioned foods and instead focus on fiber-rich foods and plenty of water.

Add Some Probiotics.
Eating yogurt or drinking kefir daily will help repopulate your gut with healthy bacteria, which is especially important anytime you are taking antibiotics.

Enjoy Lean Protein.
Did you know that after surgery, your body needs some extra protein to heal properly? Think chicken, turkey, fish, tofu, beans or nuts.

Emphasize antioxidants.
Antioxidants like vitamins A and C are especially important in the healing process. Vitamin C aids in collagen production. Collagen is the main protein in our bodies, and is essential in wound healing. Vitamin A is nourishing after surgery and aids in rebuilding tissue. Aim to eat plenty of antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables like oranges, kiwis, sweet potatoes and bell peppers.

Think Zinc.
Try to eat zinc-rich foods like pumpkin or sesame seeds. Zinc helps boost immunity and directly aids in cell growth.

We know that it can take time to get back to your old routine after surgery, but we are here to help every step along the way. We take patient education seriously, and are pleased to offer minimally invasive surgical procedures whenever possible. Visit our website today to learn more about our office and services, and feel free to ask any questions you might have.