More on Men's Health | Surgical Associates of Cleveland

June is a big month to talk about men’s health, since in the US we commemorate Men’s Health Week to coincide with Father’s Day. In many families, men are rather notorious for putting off seeing the doctor. At Surgical Associates of Cleveland, we care about the health of everyone in our community, and we want to see men’s health flourish.

Here’s a handful of habits you can adopt, even in your later years of life, to promote better health, guys:

Start exercising!
If you can walk briskly for 2 miles, your fitness level is good enough to help lower your risk for heart attack or another heart disease; not to mention many cancers and other health conditions like diabetes. Even if you’re not there yet with your walking, you can get there over time by walking a little more each day.

Schedule your colonoscopy.
We know–nobody likes to get checked for colorectal cancer, but it’s vital. A colonoscopy doesn’t only diagnose cancer–it can prevent it as well by removing precancerous polyps. So guys, if you are over 50 and haven’t been screened for colorectal cancer, it’s time to get it done. If you’ve had a sibling or parent who had a polyp removed before they turned 60–or had colon cancer at any age–you should begin getting routine colonoscopies even sooner.

Quit ignoring your signs and symptoms.
You have to take unusual pain and symptoms seriously. If you’re not feeling well, or are experiencing any new health symptoms, please don’t brush it off or assume it will go away. If you have a hernia causing you pain, know that it will not go away on its own–the only fix and opportunity for healing is through surgery.

Please remember that when you require general surgery, there’s no need to look outside of Bradley County. Surgical Associates of Cleveland is here to treat you with kindness, compassion, and expertise. Visit our website to learn more about our health services.